Every person is a spiritual being.  At GVCS Broadfording, while we are concerned about whether our students are following the rules, we are more concerned about the heart transformation occurring in each one of us.  This emphasis is for administration, teachers, staff, volunteers, and students.  As such, these GVCS Broadfording Core Values are promoted.

A Heart to...

Value The Soul-

This is shown in a student who cares about the spiritual condition of others, who wants to see others saved and loving Jesus.  

Affirm God's Word-

This is shown in a student who values the Bible as the guidebook for living.  

Embrace a Biblical Worldview-

This is shown in a student who wants to apply Biblical principles in real life decisions.

Invest in one another-

This is shown in a student who wants to spend time helping others to grow and become all they can be. 

Pursue Excellence-

This is shown in a student who wants to do his or her best in everything.  

Impact the world-

This is shown in a student who wants to understand and embrace other people and cultures, while helping others come to Christ. 

Abide In Christ-

This is shown in a student who wants to be like Christ in all situations.


GVCS Broadfording is a family, and the relationships that are built between administration, faculty, staff, and students help to foster spiritual growth in all of us.